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Transfers and a baptism!

Woah what an exciting week. Yes yes two big event happening this week.

First off, after 3 weeks (about 4 weeks altogether) of being in a trio, I will be getting a new companion on Wednesday. His name is Elder Elder. Yeah... That's gonna be fun.... I can't remember exactly when he came out but I do remember that I took him out his first day in the mission when I was serving in Wichita West.

The second (and much more exciting than first (sorry Elder Elder)) is that April is going to be baptized on Saturday. She is so excited and that's very exciting. She says that she wants to tell everyone that she's Mormon. The other day she said that she picked up her kids from high school and she was reading The Book of Mormon while waiting for them. She said she held up the book higher on purpose so the kids walking by could see what she was reading.

We taught the Plan of Salvation more in depth this week. Honestly when teaching April she just doesn't accept the basic doctrine she wants to dig in a lot deeper. So it was probably the most in depth Plan of Salvation lesson I've taught to an investigator just because of all the questions she was asking. When we talked about the Pre-earth life and choosing Jesus Christ over Satan she said that she got the same static-electricity feel that she got when she held the Book of Mormon for the first time and heard the story of the first vision. She said something along the lines like, "So that's why it feels like I've already chosen" or something and she's repeated that a lot this week.

She asked us if we had a movie about Joseph Smith so we let her borrow the full length 1 hour Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration movie and she loved it, a lot. She went over to her mom's house and put it on on the big tv watching it there in front of her family. She really wants to help her family have a more godly life. This week we started teaching her youngest daughter, Hannah, with her help.

That's the most exciting news this week! Love ya'll Élder Connor Waldrón

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