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Stake Conference Weekend

Hola familia y amigos ¿que tal? ¡Que tantas cosas buenas han pasado esta semana! Quiero decirles de algunas de ellas

April is doing really well. She got a ride with two sisters to the adult session of stake conference Saturday night. They made good lady friends and she seemed to enjoy it. Afterwards she said that it was an enlightening experience. She's going through a lot of personal problems right now and the messages seemed perfect for her. The two sisters that took her said that they were worried that they overloaded her with information, but April said that's not possible she would have been hungry for it all night.

A little while ago her house was vandalized so we did some service for her this week to try to help her fix it up (she's trying to sell it, so we wanted to help her get a higher price). A lot of members came to help so that was good. She's trying to overcome Word of Wisdom issues so she can be baptized. One of the members that came to help with the house is a recently returning to activity less-active sister. She had to overcome word of wisdom issues herself to be baptized and bore powerful testimony. She told April she could call or text her at anytime (I know they texted Sunday night, see below). She's overcome coffee. Now she's really struggling with cigarettes. She hasn't smoked since yesterday afternoon which is really good! We played kind of like a gospel trivia game with her over text yesterday and would send her hints where she could find the answer in the Book of Mormon. She was worried about making it after 10 when we wouldn't be able to text anymore. So I texted a handful of members asking to help her after 10 and a few texted her so that's really good. Everyone's getting involved. She said she wouldn't want very many people at her baptism, but I don't think that will happen because so many people would want to see her baptism because so many members have made friends with her.

That was the main excitement of the week. Below I put some picture quotes from conference that I liked a lot.

¡Les quiero muchismo! ¡Gracias por todo! Élder Connor Waldrón

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