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Hey-O it's March

hello everybody! Can you believe that's already March 2016? I can't! Time just keeps on flying. We had a really good week this week. We traveled outside of town a couple times this week to some of the other towns in our boundaries and saw lots of miracles there. I mainly want to talk about what happened when we went to Larned and to Lyons. Lyons: We went to Lyons and went to go see some members there, the Berkheimers. THe Berkheimers are amazing members and I love them. THey are so missionary minded as well. While we were there, their teenage-girl neighbor, Carmen, that comes over quite a bit came. I have talked to Carmen before and she's a really nice girl. She was very sociable with us while we were and there and we were able to teach her the full Restoration lesson. She didn't really understand why she would need to be baptized again since she's already been baptized and Sister Berkheimer bore a powerful testimony and how she decided to be baptized again and was glad she did. We gave her a Book of Mormon and committed her to read it. As well we sent her with a Spanish Book of Mormon for her family and a Spanish restoration pamphlet. Afterwards the Berkheimers took we Missionaries and Carmen out to eat at the local Dairy Queen. An acquaintance of Sister Berkheimer was on break and so she invited her to come sit with us while we ate. We were able to have a gospel conversation with her as well and it was really cool. Later in Lyons, we went to go see Brother Gordon. We wanted to see his girlfriend, Coralee, as well. We were able to see both of them and we found out that Brother Gordon and Coralee are now engaged and that Brother Gordon is working on getting his car fixed so that they can come to church. Larned: In Larned we went to go see a recent convert, Kearra, and her family. Not only has Kearra introduced us to many of her friends recently, but she introduced us to her stepsisters this week when we went to Lyons and they are very interested in learning more and working towards being baptized. Only obstacle is that the stepsisters live in a different town that is 30 minutes away from Great Bend, but the Lord will provide away. I was very worried about what was going to happen at church this Sunday, if we were going to have investigators come or not. So I prayed so much for a miracle and we did have a miracle on Sunday. Sunday a less active, Kylie, who is the daughter of an active family, randomly showed up with two nonmember friends. She invited us to have dinner with her this week and told us that she would make sure that her two friends would be there. What a great week! There were more miracles as well, but there's not enough time or space to write them all. One last thought, we had interviews with President Bell this week. I had a wonderful, amazing experience in my interview and one thought that President Bell shared with me, I would like to share with you. He told me that God loves us because of our trials, not in spite of them. He loves us more because of our trials and he is so pleased and loves that we are brave enough to face them. I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful week and enjoy the first week of March! Les quiero! Élder Connor Waldrón

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