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Love is in the air (or is that a tornado?)

Hello everbody!

I hope that you're all having a superb week and preparing for the upcoming Valentine's Day. Though we should show love to those we care about each day, Valentine's Day is a great day to remind others how much we really do care.

I found this great article in the Ensign this month. It's called 'What Can the Book of Mormon Teach Us about Happiness?' It talks about principles taught in two different chapters in the Book of Mormon that help us have happier lives. I found it interesting that one of those principles is "Maintaining Uplifting Associations". Those relationships in which we feel love from others and show our love for others, help us to be happier. What most often stops us from showing love to others? For me I think the answer would be Impatience. I love this quote by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He says,

"Impatience … is a symptom of selfishness. It is a trait of the self-absorbed. It arises from the all-too-prevalent condition called ‘center of the universe’ syndrome, which leads people to believe that the world revolves around them and that all others are just supporting cast in the grand theater of mortality in which only they have the starring role.”

We had a pretty good week this week. We taught Alexandra a couple times this week. It's been amazing to teach her. She's one of the most willing people that I've ever met before. When I say that I meant that she is so willing to accept our commitments. She works every other Sunday. When we talked about church attendance, without us even asking for her to ask the day off, she said that she could ask her boss for an extra 30 minutes for her lunch break so that she could take her lunch break and come to sacrament meeting. We have an appointment with her tonight, last time we committed her to read and pray from the Book of Mormon and about that which we had taught. She's so sincere that I know that if she really read and prayed that she will have felt the spirit. We have a church tour set up with her on Wednesday too, and she's going to bring her husband. That's exciting.

Thanks for all you do! I love you all and hope that you know that.

Love, Élder Connor Waldrón

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