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Great Bend Miracles

Hello Family and Friends! How was your January? I hope it was fantastic. This week in Great Bend we learned a big lesson about miracles. Sometimes we feel like we do all we can/supposed to and the desired result doesn't happen, but the miracle will come eventually. For example, this week we met this really nice lady named Alexandra/Alejandra. We knocked on her trailer door looking for a potential. She promptly told us that he didn't live there, but we shared truths of the restoration with her. It was amazing to see her face as we talked. She was so into what we were saying, I didn't know if what was happening was real. Somehow infant baptism came into the discussion and Elder Hosenfeld talked about how we believe that 'children are alive in Christ' and that they don't need to be baptized until age 8. Afterwards she shared with us that she hadn't had her daughter (who is around 3 or 4 years old) baptized because she felt that she didn't have sin yet. That was pretty cool right? So we scheduled a return appointment for Thursday. Come Thursday we knock on her door again... But this time no answer. We knock a few more times but to no avail so we leave a note saying we'll try again in the evening and leave. We try again in the evening but nothing, not a sound nor peep. So the next few days we try contacting her but no success. Until finally on Saturday night at 8:09 she answers. She told us that on Thursday she heard us knocking but was in the shower and that night she was trying to put her daughter to sleep. She said she would invite us in that night, but that the house is dirty because she just got back from work. So we now have an appointment with Alexandra on Tuesday. This is only one of a few examples of stories that happened this week where we had to persist. So that's what we learned this week! Love you all so much! Élder Connor Waldrón

P.S. Hello everyone it's me again. Sorry to bother you again, but I forgot a request/challenge I wanted to email everyone. I've been collectingpictures of the tree of life/Lehi's dream. As a missionary I havelimited access to tools that would allow me to collect differentpictures of the tree of life so I only have a few pictures right now.I just wanted to ask you all to peruse the Internet looking forpictures of Lehi's dream and send me your favorites that you find bynext week. Thanks! Love ya'll

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