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It Snowed!.. and other miracles.

Yes it finally snowed in Kansas. I thought I was going to make it out of here without having to live through two winters, but not so. Wednesday we had transfers as well as there was a World Wide Mission Broadcast. We were in the Salina church building basically all day... We were there waiting for a companions to arrive from the transfers. While we were waiting a big snow storm came! After they arrived we had to find our way through the snow to the tiny town of Lorraine to eat dinner with the Bishop and his wife. Then we had to find our way to Great Bend. Luckily we made it home safely. Then the rest of the week I had to introduce Elder Hosenfeld to the area. I was a little apprehensive about it at first since I haven't been here a full transfer, but we saw so many miracles this week! One of the biggest miracles this week was finding Albert and his family. On Monday we ate at Braum's (a delicious Kansas and Oklahoma exclusive restaurant). He was working at the cash register and noticed our name tags and asked us if we were from a church. We ended up giving him our number, the church address, and a Book of Mormon and he gave us his address. A couple days later we taught him at his house. We taught him a lot because he wanted to know a lot. A couple days later we had a church tour with him and he brought his girlfriend and father. Albert and his girlfriend, Metka, are on date right now working for baptism. Albert really wants to establish his faith. It was such an awesome miracle. Also this week we were trying a bunch of potentials. One of the potentials in the area book looked pretty solid. Her name was Maricella. I had wanted to try her last transfer, but Elder Anderson said that she didn't live there anymore. Elder Hosenfeld and I both felt like trying her so we did. It turns out that she she does still live there (sort of), but she wasn't home when we tried. Her sister, Jessica, was there though and we had a really good lesson with her. She doesn't really have a faith in anything, and she said we could come back and help her grow a faith in Jesus Christ. Another thing that happened this week: We went to Lyons (one of the towns in our area). There we decided to visit a less-active named Brother Gordon. We were talking to him and this girl kept on coming in and out of the room. I didn't think much of it because I knew that Brother Gordon has some roommates, but I kept feeling like we should talk to her. We were talking to Brother Gordon about missionary work and about praying for help in missionary work. He talked about how he was trying to share the gospel with someone and mentioned Matthew 7:7 (Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you). Right as were about to leave I asked the girl how she knew Brother Gordon. It turns out that she is his girlfriend. Her name is Coralee. She has a faith in Jesus Christ, but needs some guidance. Brother Gordon was really excited that we shared the gospel with her and we ended up answering his prayer for help in missionary work! That was our week this week! Thanks for everything, for all your support and prayers. Love Élder Connor Waldrón

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