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In the third week of July

Hi family and friends. We had a really hot week here in Junction City.

Some cool things that happened this week:

We met Irma, a lost sheep. We were at a Latino Market when a guy comes in and brings in two big black duffle bags. He says he kicked his mom out of his house and he's leaving her stuff here for her to come pick up. The store owner was very concerned because it was one of her friends. We went outside and found a lady standing outside who was this lady who had been kicked out. We talked to her and gave her a pamphlet and didn't think we would see her again. The next day or so we go back to the market to use the bathroom and Irma is there. She was staying with the store owner and so she came to work with her. She told us she had gone home and saw the back of the pamphlet say The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She told us she was a member of the church and she wanted to come to church her parents baptized her in. So we made arrangements for her to come to church on Sunday. On Sunday we found out more. That she was baptized at age 14 into the church but didn't really go to church after that (she moved to Alaska or something and couldn't find it) so she hadn't been to church in about 50 years. It was really cool. I bet her parents are happy she was at church.

We had a decent amount of people at church this week! It was really nice to see the chapel more full than usual. About 6 people who don't usually come were there and there are supposed to be some more people moving into the branch boundaries within the next couple weeks. I really have faith that this branch will grow and be big. The stake president told them the growth in numbers really doesn't matter though, it's the growth in spirit that's most important. That if everyone is doing their calling and duties the branch will be strong spiritually and that's the most important part.

Dulce and Mindy are doing well. They should both be baptized before the Summer ends. It's amazing to see the change that comes over people just from going to church and being part of the activities there.

I think that that's about it for this week! I love you all! Thanks!

Be Good. Live Well. Love a Lot!

Elder Waldron

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