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Great Week!

Hi everybody!

As you might be able to tell from the subject header... we had a fantastic week here in Junction City.

First was my birthday. Yeah not anything cool about any investigators or less actives, but it was fun to celebrate. Somehow the branch found out it was my birthday. They were having a going away party for a family leaving the area (I'm super bummed about them leaving, but it's just that way in Military Life). The party was on my birthday so they combined the going away party with a birthday part for me. It was great. The branch president made this cake called mil hojas (a thousand sheets) it was really good. They sang several versions of happy birthday to me too, I loved it!

We had an amazing miracle with a less active sister this week too. She is the one whose parents tried to kiss my cheeks. She really didn't like one of the missionaries previously here so I hadn't seen her for a long time. Now that time has passed she's fine and she opened the door for the first time in at least 2 months. She came to church yesterday and jumped right back into it, and was getting super involved with the branch and activities coming up.

We started teaching one of Dulce's cousins and it's going really well. They were both at the Fernandez's house and Hermana Fernandez was like, "Whose going to get baptized first, Dulce or Mindy?" It was funny but really good to have a lot of support for them from the members.

We played soccer this Saturday morning too at the church and it was big success. Dulce and the Fernandez invited a lot of people and we met a lot of new people and found a lost sheep. It was super miraculous!

Sorry this is a shorty but that's all I have to say for now! Love you all

Be Good. Live Well. Love a Lot.

Elder Waldron

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