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Transfer 3 in JC

Hi everybody! Today we got the transfer documents to see where we would be going on Wednesday. I'm staying Junction City for a third transfer! I'm really happy about it. My current companion, Elder de Jong, is being transferred. He is going to be a district leader in Lamar. My new companion is Elder Tarma. Elder Tarma came into the mission field one transfer after me. He served in Dodge City while I was in Guymon so we served in the same Zone for two transfers. He was also just companions with Elder Richardson, my last companion in Guymon. Speaking of old companions. My trainer Elder Rojas was made the new Assistant to the President this transfer. That will be a little weird, but I think he will do a really good job.

I'm super excited to be staying in Junction because I really wanted to be here when Dulce will be baptized! She's doing really well. She came to the Father's Day Party we had for the branch on Saturday and afterwards she came to watch a baptism. It was really good. We explained to her the symbolism of baptism, of starting a new life, and she said it made a lot of sense. Yeah she's going to be baptized.

She's not the only one that came to the baptism on Saturday. In fact most of the Spanish Branch did. Yeah the Branch President's wife told me to tell her when it was going to start. So I did, and she walked into the gym and called everyone and told them it was starting. She must of thought I looked surprised because she was like, "Elder we're all coming to the baptism." I was like, "the whole branch?" and she was like, "uh-huh." and then I was like, "ok!" So the Spanish Branch came to a baptism. I thought it was a little funny or like Ingrid Maldonado (from I'm a Mormon ad) would say, fue chistoso un parte.

Oh another funny story about getting to that party on Saturday. There was a LA who really wanted to come and bring her young sons too. (The LA family that we started on family history). But she locked herself out of her house. So we went to go see if we could help. So Elder de Jong starts trying to credit card the door. Then some of her Mexican neighbors come over and see what we are doing and they take the card and start trying it. There was three of them. So the one kept trying and the two left and then they came back with these huge carving knives. Well in a few minutes they had the door open! (I think my prayers helped it a little bit too) I told a member later at the party, never doubt a Mexican with a knife...

Anyway it was a good week and I'm super happy to be staying in Junction City for this transfer! Love you all and thanks for all you do! Be Good. Live Well. Love a Lot.

Elder Waldron

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