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This Week

Hello everybody! It sounds like Stk Conference went well and I'm excited to hear about how trek goes this week. I know it will be great. It always is, especially if you're prepared (physically and spiritually) We had a great week. We received our iPads on Tuesday and have been using them since. My favorite part is the Gospel Library App and being able to show videos in lessons. We've had a lot of good experiences with videos this week. One miracle we had was we showed The Power of God video to a less active and perspective Aaronic Priesthood holder. After the video he was really happy he said that video was really good and how it helped him, a lot, better understand what the priesthood was and what we use it for. We've had a lot of people tear up when we have shown them videos. And we shared Origin (one of my favorite videos) with an investigator and he really liked it. He talked about how we all go through Joseph Smith-like experiences and how it related Joseph Smith's experience to modern life. This week we had a miracle with fasting. We invited Dulce (our investigator close to being baptized) to fast with us this Sunday. No complaints or troubles or nothing, she did it just like that. When she ended her fast she texted her fellowship and told her that she thinks she's received an answer. We don't know more yet, but we are excited to find out. Thanks for your prayers I know you are praying for me and it means the world to me. Love ya'll Be Good. Live Well. Love a Lot. Elder Waldron Sent from my iPad


This is one of my favorite I'm a mormon ads I thought I would share with you. It was one that our teacher showed in the MTC to test how our Spanish comprehension was. Now I can understand it very well (it helps because she is from Guatemala and I'm used to that accent) but back then not so much. I sent the English one so that it has English subtitles.

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