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Tender Mercies

I've thought a lot about some of the miraculous things I have seen this week, and I've realized even more how merciful God truly is.

People in Guymon are generally friendly, but I think they've been even friendlier this week. We started off the week knowing we needed to find some new people. I kind of put in my head that, "Ok every person (especially Hispanic people) I see outside I will talk to. Well we didn't talk to everyone but we did talk to a lot and we found a couple of cool people. One was a couple outside cleaning out their car. The wife is from Columbia and the husband is from Cuba. The wife's mother used to feed missionaries in Columbia. We found them on Saturday and invited them to church and such. They didn't come, but when we went over later that day she said they were going to come but the car wouldn't start (don't know how true it is, but at least they remembered about church). Then she asked us if we wanted to come in. So that was neat.

Also on Sunday we were walking and their was this father and son who were playing soccer on a dirt lot. We talked to dad for a little bit, who was surprisingly very un-punkish about talking with us and then he was like, "you want to come over another time to talk about this or something." So that was pretty neat because that was about as much as an invite as any.

On Sunday night we went and contacted a referral who is the boyfriend of a less active member. He told us he was looking for a church to go to in Spanish. We told him ours wasn't totally in Spanish, but that the service is translated into Spanish and that there is a Spanish Sunday school. We talked about a couple other things with him and he was semi-interested and we scheduled a return appointment (I think his girlfriend being a member softened his heart a little bit... heh).

Ok I have saved the best for last. A truly miraculous, glorious miracle that happened to us. It strengthened my testimony of a love for African people. We went to H'waida's house, but she wasn't there. Another lady answered and she asked us if we were church people, we were like... yes... She then proceeded to ask us if we could come visit her and family at her house and she asked if she could give us her number so we could call to set up a time to come. Wow... I was just like...

Anyway this week strengthened my testimony so much on Grace! This moment when we found this African lady was a time when I don't know if I could have been an effective missionary. Through the Grace of God we found someone who asked us for everything we usually ask the other person. It was a really neat, obvious wow moment.


Be Good! Live Well!


Elder Waldron

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