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Another day, another nickle

Wow, I remember the end of last Monday I thought that the next Monday would never come. But here it is again. This week didn't have much happening. There seemed to be a lot of meetings this week, and we weren't in the area too much.

I was able to have my first in field interview with President Bell. He is a great mission president and all the missionaries love him so much. It's amazing even though he has 200 something missionaries to worry about, how much he knows about each one.

You know the song Oklahoma from the musical OKLAHOMA! ? Well the first few words are something like, Oklahoma where the winds comes racing down the plains (or something like that). Well we have definitely felt that this week. I remember one time this week we were going down a pretty steep hill and we were having to pedal hard to get down it. Wow it was crazy. It made the first few couple days pretty hard. Then one day I don't know what was different but when a big gust of wind blew in my face it only made my mouth open up in a smile. Then I started singing, "If you're happy, and you know it, say AMEN" Oh wow the wind didn't like that at all. A huge gust came up then, but I just kept on singing "...if the spirit falls on you makes you shout, hallelujah! If you're happy and you know it say AMEN." And wow it was so cool. I actually enjoyed it. So I've decided that attitude is huge. It matters so much. I can't even believe how much that little thing changed my mood the rest of the day.

The only other even worth mentioning is that I had to give a talk in the Branch this week. I was assigned to talk about the end of the Plan of Salvation mainly: Resurrection, Judgment, Immortality, and Kingdoms of Glory. Mosiah 16:8 says:

'But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death‍ is swallowed up in Christ.'

I talked about how stings reminds of my experience one summer when I was growing my grandma's lawn and a wasp stung my hand. Then my hand swelled up to twice its size, and such (some of you probably remember). But that the effects of that sting lasted a long time and my hand hurt for a long time. I related this to that when someone we are close to dies it has a sting to our heart and it hurts for a long time, maybe even forever. But because of the resurrection the sting is lessened and may even be nonexistent if we have enough faith.

Then I talked about how there is a little difference that decides whether we receive Celestial or Terestial Glory, and to think about what we are going to do to make sure we receive Celestial (endure to the end!).

That's about it for what happened this week. I hope you all have another great week. Love you all


Elder Connor Waldron


I almost forgot about the Family History class. There was about 5 people that came and a couple others that called the library saying they weren't able to make it. And then the night after we got a text that said "Sorry I missed the class, are you the brothers I talk to about my father's family". We didn't know who it was but then they called us the next morning and it was Sister Weeko (The Less Active from the other email)! It was super cool because when you are a missionary and somebody calls you instead of the other way around, it's cool.


[biking in the most opposites]


[p-day in Guymon, OK]


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